
The Customer section provides insights into understanding your customers, including metrics like customer repeat rate, average customer lifetime value, and number of orders per customer. This data helps understand customer behavior and create targeted marketing campaigns for retention and engagement.

Set duration

Before tracking metrics, you need to define the timeline for it. Select the duration from the dropdown above the metrics as follows:

  1. Show: Select the date range for your metrics.
  2. By: Select the aggregation type for the graphs - Day or Week.

Tracked Metrics

The following metrics are tracked for the customers:

Total CustomersTotal number of unique customers who purchased from your store, over the specified period.
Customer Repeat RatePercentage of customers who made multiple purchases on your store.
Customer Lifetime ValueThe average amount of money a customer is expected to spend on your store throughout their lifetime.
Average Orders Per CustomerAverage number of orders placed by a customer on your store.
Customer Repeat Rate - GrowthChange in repeat customers over a specified period, plotted over a graph.
Time Between PurchaseAverage elapsed time between a customer's two consecutive purchases.